Tuesday, March 25, 2008

M is for 'Marriage Strike'

Met a nice, attractive middle-aged man the other day, and noticed he was single, and started chatting with him about his life.

I was foolishly thinking that he might be a good match for one of my single female friends, but here is what I discovered as I spoke to him:

He woke up one day and discovered his wife missing along with his son.

Later he discovered she had pulled up stakes and zapped off to a very distant southern state to marry someone she had met via email and had been corresponding with.

He wanted his son back, and consulted several lawyers, who told him he didn't have a chance of recovering his son.

Eventually, a divorce was finalized with him paying child support, and seeing his son each summer for a short while. Of course, his ex got half of his asset base. (No-Fault Divorce, remember?)

This was a good number of years ago. The man was so self-effacing, he wouldn't even say anything against his ex to this day. But what he did say spoke volumes.

He said he wanted his son back.

And he said he could not imagine ever marrying another woman.

He hadn't heard of the marriage strike. Wasn't a Men's Rights Activist.

He was a 'nice guy', who is no longer in the market for a wife, because of what the system did to him, and allowed to be done to him. No doubt his son will think three times before marrying too, as will his best friend who was with him, and anyone who talks to him and hears his story. And this is another way that the marriage strike expands. - Not through websites like mine spreading the bad news, but through the actual bad news happening to people, and that news percolating through society. And another man, and his son, and his friends drop out of the marriage market, just like that. Without a big fuss, or a lot of noise - they are just gone - no longer part of the marital economy of men-as-slaves.

But don't worry, girls. You probably can still get married, it will probably just have to be someone who earns significanty less than you, and has no assets to risk. That should be a 'love'ly solution to your problems, unless it wasn't really LOVE that you were looking for in the first place.

Oh, and how about we start treating women who disappear with men's children like the kidnappers that they are?

My Best To You In Your Struggles:



Keoni Galt said...

Oh, and how about we start treating women who disappear with men's children like the kidnappers that they are?

Now THAT is a great idea!

Uzem & Luzem said...

"You probably can still get married, it will probably just have to be someone who earns significanty less than you, and has no assets to risk. That should be a 'love'ly solution to your problems, unless it wasn't really LOVE that you were looking for in the first place."

Great post. This paragraph brings up an important point: WF are just as responsible for the decline in marriages as are men.

Yes, they get baby rabies as soon as they turn 30 & yes, they 'truly, madly, deeply' want to get married BUT - they would rather stay single bitching & complaining forever than 'lower' themselves to marry a commoner.

99% of WF feel that it is their birthright to marry a good looking dude with the right mid 6 figure career but there just aren't enough of them to go around. For the one's who can't find one they see absolutely no point in getting married because marriage for females has never been about love.

So, they just keep whining about the lack of 'good' men while they continue screwing the bad boys. If they can't trick one into knocking them up by 38 then they get artificially inseminated. I doubt the fact that they are depriving their child of a father ever even crosses their minds.

All this to say: Career women especially are on just as much of a marriage strike as are MGTOW - only the reasons are different.

Anonymous said...

I'm a 45 year old child of divorce, and I'm a Marriage Striker. In my family, marriage has a really bad track record of failure. My oldest brother and bio-father are serial divorcers and my mother and middle had to try twice to get it right so far. Given my parents' divorce I realized as a kid that this marriage thing doesn't work especially for men so I went on Marriage Strike. Yep, another man removed from the love market.

Anonymous said...
